Team Spotlight: Supriya Ambuga

Using the A.S.K. Formula to Find the Right Fit

Here at SMC², we believe that our people are the heart and soul of our company.  That’s why we strive to create an employee-centric culture that attracts and retains people who aren’t afraid to show their true passion and perseverance; who are highly ambitious, take initiative, and who bring a key character attribute to our team: grit. 

And when you have the right people in place, it makes it much easier to continue to attract and retain team members with the same high standards and desirable qualities.  Director of Human Resources Supriya Ambuga is no exception to the rule and no stranger to the idea of harnessing the power of grit.

With nearly two decades of HR experience, Supriya is highly educated, having received her degree in Computer Science and a Master’s in English Literature and Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources.  After starting her family and working with her husband in his business for several years, Supriya knew that she wanted more, leading her to start her journey as a Human Resources professional.

Having worked at both small and large high-caliber companies in India and in the US before joining SMC², Supriya is an invaluable member of our team.  She has had in-depth exposure to IT Services, Products, Consulting, and Global Insourcing Center operational models providing her with a wealth of knowledge in leadership, team building and management, and creating policies and procedures.  

As Director of Human Resources, Supriya is responsible for attracting and identifying candidates who will bring success to our partners while reinforcing our employee-centric culture from our Bangalore-based operations in India. 

“From Day One of working at SMC², my job has been exciting. There’s always something new to learn and interesting people to work and engage with,” says Supriya.

Identifying the right people is much more than just a checklist of competencies. It’s making sure they not only have the right skills, but also the right attitude.  Supriya approaches the development of our teams using a formula that highlights attitude, skill and knowledge or “A.S.K.” 

“You can upgrade skill, and invite knowledge, but the right attitude is what brings the right culture into the organization,” she told us.

As a seasoned HR professional, Surpiya aspires to create an inclusive community. She is approachable and prides herself on spending quality time getting to know each member of our team from the very first interaction they have with her.  Throughout their carreers with SMC², Supriya aims to provide each employee with the guidance they need for personal growth and success.  

Supriya says, “The office is really your first home.  It’s where you spend the majority of your day.  If you have a great experience at work while satisfying your career aspirations you will, in turn, have great experiences at home taking care of your family.”  

Discover more about our approach to “right-sourcing” and building an employee-centric culture with a look inside our operations in Bangalore here


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