It's Time to Think Differently

A Disruptive Approach to Expanding Your Tech Output

In your race for digital innovation you’ve probably seen for yourself that the US engineering talent pool is pretty dry, making it especially expensive to acquire and difficult to retain (when they can jump to the next big opportunity). When you eventually do find someone, a voice in the back of your head wonders, “Why haven’t they been picked up yet by another team?” an available engineer you may be wondering why no other team has picked them up.

There’s always the option of pulling from Eastern Europe or China, but then you’ve got cultural and language barriers, along with inconsistent university training. Difficult environments for gaining any significant throughput.

But what about India? Awesome universities, no cultural barriers, and a large supply of low-cost engineers. Unfortunately, the resulting talent rush has led to a “consulting” mentality (no team spirit) among over-worked and over-booked resources. It has become virtually impossible to align this mindset with US-based quality and productivity expectations.

Until now.

SMC² has cracked the code for hiring excellent talent in India (we call them “people,” not “resources”). Our unique employee-centric culture naturally drives and motivates engineering teams. You’ll see a one-to-one productivity and quality ratio as compared with US-based counterparts and our 95% retention rate can’t be matched anywhere else.

It’s time to discover how you can expand your engineering footprint– risk-free– with Global Enablement, true India costs, and guaranteed quality.

Ready to Accelerate... Risk-Free?

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